Spirit Release Guide

How Spiritual Healing Works

Spiritual healing exists in Christianity, Christian Science, mesmerism, shamanism and numerous other faiths. It involves an appeal to God or any higher power to heal others through prayer, meditation, faith and the transmission of energy through various means to the person who needs healing. It can involve self-healing or a separate healer, and some people may consider such healing divine intervention.  Spiritual healing is the healing of the unseen energy in our energy field and the process of releasing blocked energy that is not serving us well in our lives.

Spiritual healing can help both physical and emotional problems. A goal of spiritual healing is to eradicate problems, usually starting in the mind, to restore balance to the person and continue spiritual awakening. Wounds, emotional or physical, impede our spiritual progress and therefore must be healed before awakening can continue. Spiritual healing involves the channeling of energy from a spiritual source to someone who needs it. The channel is usually a person, a healer, and the energy is transferred through that person's hands. The spiritual healing for spirit release doesn't come from the healer; rather it's just through him.

Throughout Spiritual healing, physical contact between a healer and a patient is not required imminently. The Healer sees self as a channel, thus this Healing Energy emerging from The Source flows through the Healer, uses that gravitational pull we have towards each other through compassion and/or empathy, and visualizes this Healing Energy crossing from the Healer through to the patient, filling him or her with Healing Light. The Healer should always leave the outcome of the healing session to the Source.

Spiritual healing does not just promote the body's well-being, but also the emotional and psychological well-being. Science heals an illness by evaluating physical symptoms, comes to a conclusion by targeting a cause and heals that particular cause through science-based techniques and medicines. Spiritual Healing goes further and deals with the hidden aspects of an illness, allowing them to surface and be dealt with by the patient, thus promoting a self-healing effort through acceptance and understanding, helping the patient to move on in a positive manner.

Spiritual Healing shouldn't be suggested as a medical replacement, but the more Spiritual Healing awareness arises with time, the more we can work towards healing our issues both medically and Spiritually, helping us contribute towards a better, healthier, more compassionate World, one step at a time. Irrespective of what Religious beliefs one may have, there is always one Source that is perceived to be the Ultimate Source, the Beginning of everything, the One holding everything together. You may refer to this page: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/12/spiritual-healing-pilgrimages_n_4944030.html